Pyramids Industry Support Center (PISC) We learn in order to develop and help you achieve success and increase profitability with the strongest specialized technical support team, training courses, seminars and workshops recorded on all media outlets so that Pyramids continues to lead and be the ultimate supporter for you and the industry.

We help customers in producing high quality products that go in line with the market’s specifications, and achieve the best profitability at the end of the breeding period by providing feed products with the best possible price and the highest quality.

Providing customers with the latest breeding methods, as well as marketing and sales to keep pace with the magnitude of rapid changes that occur in the world as far as the industry and production are concerned.

We provide clients with feasibility studies and financing solutions that guarantee the expansion and an increased output for their production unit.

We offer training and illustrating courses using applied information that help all those interested in the industry raise the efficiency of their production and improve the gross domestic production of livestock and poultry.

Pyramids Industry Support Center (PISC) Courses
Watch applied information that helps improve your production performance instantly through Pyramids Industry Support Center.

Supporting Breeders Conferences
These conferences are being held in all governorates across Egypt, inviting middle and small breeders in order to transfer the group’s experiences in managing poultry projects. Conferences include lectures on technical information, farm management, the latest market trends and the best financing solutions for small and medium projects by a lineup of distinctive professionals from Cairo 3A Group and Pyramids Poultry.

Preparing Fresh Graduates and Students to Work in the Poultry Industry
Training of fresh graduates and students across various sectors of the group by experts from Cairo 3A Group and Pyramids Poultry to prepare them to work in the poultry industry.

Supporting Research Centers and Professors in the Poultry Industry
Joint scientific research protocols for researchers across different universities and other research entities.

Supporting Government Agencies and Non-Profit Organizations
Exchange of industry information and development plans