Farms and Hatcheries

Our farms and automated hatcheries play a fundamental role in our success

Pyramids owns several breeder and broiler farms in the Ragwa area on the Cairo-Alexandria Desert Road, where Pyramids has breeder farms with a production capacity of 10 million hens, in addition to broiler farms with a production capacity of 12 million hens, and a hatchery with a production capacity of 33 million eggs.

In addition to the farms owned by Pyramids, Cairo 3A owns a vast area in Bahariya Oasis expanding on an area of about 27,000 acres, about 250 km from Cairo.

Cairo 3A owns 4 grand parent farms, a breeders egg hatchery with a production capacity of 8.85 million eggs annually, in addition to owning about 12 breeder farms, and a hatchery with a production capacity of 102 million eggs annually and 25 broiler farms with an annual production capacity of 60,000 tons of white meat.


Pyramids Poultry slaughterhouse is considered one of the oldest slaughterhouses in the Egyptian market, operated through advanced equipment for slaughtering birds according to Islamic law, and producing premium quality frozen and fresh poultry products to the Egyptian market.

The slaughterhouse currently produces 6,000 chicken/hour. Moreover, it is run by a group of the most professional, experienced professionals in the Egyptian market, who have the full ability to monitor the quality of all the production cycles inside the slaughterhouse.

The company aspires in the near future to expand the current slaughterhouse and open a new one through Cairo 3A for Poultry, one of the sister companies under the umbrella of Cairo 3A Group in order to increase the production to reach 16,000 chicken/hour. The process will be executed through two phases and will cost around EGP one billion. In order to guarantee self-sufficiency for the slaughterhouse, Pyramids Poultry and Cairo 3A will open 9 breeder farms and 14 broiler farms in Bahareya Oasis

Pyramids Poultry is committed to providing a sustainable breeding environment for offering premium quality products to the Egyptian consumer. Our poultry farms and hatcheries are equipped with integrated safety and health mechanisms to guarantee a clean and favorable environment, managed by professionals responsible for daily operations. The equipment is always kept clean in accordance with health and safety regulations to maintain optimum methods for raising our chickens. We control every step of our production chain, thus we guarantee premium quality products that meet the needs of our customers.